The contain of this book is guide to auditing standards and guidlines provides.
This book will help auditors to use analytical review most effectively.
This practice set is designed for the introductory business student. It gives exposure to a real life business forms (invoices, cheque, receipts,etc) with transactions. The student is required to g…
The purpose of this manual is to assist the instructor in preparing for his classes. 1, personally find that problem solutions are helpful principally in saving time in checking arithmetic. That is…
Here is a book for auditors and accountants who recognize that they need more than a basic knowledge of statistical sampling in order to handle the kinds of problems they encounter in everyday prat…
This computerized audit practice case is designed to acquaint you with microcomputers and the application of audit procedures to a simulated company. This set is not designed to be an entire audit;…
This textbook is insteded for a first course in auditing.
The contains of this book is focused to practitioner and the myriad practical problem faced in playing ifrs.
This Book is Based on a research study written in 1972 which was sponsored by the research committee of the institute of chartered accountants in England and Wales.
Een belangrijk bestanddeel van de bedrijfsadminstratie wordt gevormd door de bedrijfsboekhouding, die bij industriele ondernemingen wel wordt aangegeven met de term "fabrieksboekhouding".
This manual is intended as a guide to assist you, the instructor, while using midtown electronics : automated accounting for the microcomputer. It is organized into three major parts: teaching sugg…
The contains of this book is internal auditing and deals with its development, techniques of internal audiitng, scientific methods, sampling, quantitative methods.
The parts (and chapters) of the book follow a natural sequence. The First part motivates the EDP audit function within an organization.
The approach adopted in this book intergrates the perspective of accounting, corporate finance, economics, and critical analysis to help students grasp how business transcations get reported and un…
This book is about Identify the most common audit areas where each statistical method could most likely be applied. A large number of alternative statistical methods can be applied to any given aud…
This is the third edition of the well-known An Audit Approach to Computers which has been completely revised as regards both advanced systems of processing and audit of computer-based systems, incl…
This Fifth edition is a substansial revisionm of earlier ediition.
The book begins with an introduction to the balace sheet as a whole. Chapters then cover current and long-lived (fixed) assets, current and long-term liabilities, and owners' equity. The final chap…
This contain of this book has been carefully planned to help students master accounting in a logical and efficient manner.
This book is about working papers chapters 15-28 to accompany.