The contains of this book is focused to practitioner and the myriad practical problem faced in playing ifrs.
GAAP merupakan sebuh prinsip akuntasi yang berlaku secara umum. buku ini terintergratasi dengan prinsip yang sudah sesuai dengan standar aturan FASB di ikuti dengan beberapa isu penting dan AICPA'S
Buku IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) merupakan buku yang membahas mengenai tata cara dan ketentuan-ketentuan yang ada dalam penulisan laporan keuangan (financial report) berdasar…
This book provides the user with underlying conceptual basis for the rules, to enable the reasoning by analogy that is so necessary in dealing with a complex, fast changing woeld of commercial arra…
IFRS provides detailed, analytical explanations and copious illustrations of all curent acounting principles promulgated by the IASB. The book integrates the accounting principles promulgated by th…