Buku ini membahas tentang finansial di Asia Timur
Buku ini tentang pemeriksaan intern
Buku ini tentang perdagangan
Buku ini membahas tentang bunga bank
Buku ini membahas tentang cara menghitung pajak penghasilan menurut undang-undang pajak
Buku ini merupakan edisi dari manajemen operasi yang direvisi dan sepenuhnya diperbarui, terus berlanjut kepada siswa dengan perlakuan yang jelas, terstruktur dengan baik, dan komprehensif terhadap…
Communication Matters became one of the most successful new offerings in introductory communication because it debunks that myth, revealing why the study of communication is more complex and more e…
The new edition of Communication Works applies a new critical thinking framework to its core content, now in a more user- friendly 15-chapter organization. We have retained and revised the text's p…
When we first set out to write this book, our goal was simple: to offer a version of " They Say/ I Say": The moves That Matter in academic Writing with an anthology of readings that would demonstra…
Take your cues from Nine Things Successful people do diferently, where the strategies of the world's most successful people are on display backed by research that shows excatly what has the biggest…
In a world economy that is becoming increasingly integrated and interdependent, the relationship between business and society is becoming ever more complex. The globalization of business, the emerg…
The Path to your professional success starts with a critical look in the mirror. If you read nothing else on managing yourself, read these 10 articles. We'ev combed through hundreds of Hardvard Bus…
Intermediate Accounting is the work not just of is talented authors, but of the more than 600 faculty reviewers who shared their insights, experience, and opinions with us. Our reviewers helped us …
No matter where you work in you organization, you'll do your job better if you understand basics financial concept. You'll be a more effective contributor to your company's efforts to make money an…
In business Statistics in Practise, Seventh Edition, we provide a modern, practical, and unique framework for teaching an introductory course in business statistics. As in previous editions, we emp…
Business is competitive. But it's not that simple. In fact, to think strictly in terms of competition is overly cynical, and such cynicism can sabotage your performance. The other fundamental eleme…
Whether you're eyeing a specific leadership role, hoping to advance your skills, or simply looking to broaden your professional network, you need to find someone who can help. Wait for a senior man…
Take the pain out of presentations. Terrified of speaking in front of a group? or simply looking to polish your skilss? No matter where you are on spectrum, the guide will give you confidence and t…
The first integrated program designed specifically for the critical thinking course, Moore & parker's Critical Thinking teaches students the skills they need in order to think for themselves - skil…
This book is based on the strategic choices in managing compensation.We introduce these choice, real- world issues that manager confront from New York to New Zealand and all points between, in the …