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Sudoku puzzles are grid-based number game. They're great fun and you done need to be good at addition to solve them.
This novel has humor, romance, a touch of suspense, but most all of love.
I've been locked up for 264 days. I have nithing but a small notebook and a broken pen and numbers in me head to keep my compeny.
Someone is missing. Nobody's talking. But this time, every one is listening
How companies can create game-changing ventures at start up speed
The economics of money, banking, and financial markets brings a fresh perpective to todays major questions surrounding financial policy. Influenced by his term as governor of the federal reserve, F…
Pergi ke Malioboro memborong batik.
Indonesia, mau tidak mausudah masuk sistem jaringan industri keuangan global. Sehingga cukup sensitive terhadap peristima yang terjadi didunia internasional.
Universitas Terbuka telah menyelenggarakan pendidikan selama 38 tahun lebih, secara jarak jauh. Pandemi covid-19 telah menampak sisi dunia yang berbeda, termasuk juga dalam hal pendidikan.
Start ups face many challenges that founders with a clear, but basic understanding of financial management can resolve.
This guidebook in Economics Data Response Questions for Case Studies is written specially to prepare students in analysing and interpreting data in the form of tables, charts and graphs in the GCE …
Bila Anda meragukan temuan Charles Gerba, hingga Anda menemukan kebenaran. Sejatinya, sebuah penelitin adalah jalan menemukan kebenaran.
Saat membaca atau mendengar tagline tertentu, pikiran kita tentu akan tertuju pada sebuah produk. Hanya dengan kalimat singkat, sebuah produk diingat oleh jutaan orang.
At the dawn of time, humans suffered in chaos and ignorance (so not much has changed, then).
The Art of Principled Entrepreneurship is a practical guide for how to do well by doing good.
Seft-discipline nothig is without it. If we-re not in control of out emotions our urges, our habits, where will we and up?
The original version of Nudge was published in the spring of 2008. While we were writing it, Thaler got his first iPhone and Sunstein his BlackBerry.
When the world leaves you weary and the road ahead is dark. Donna Ashworth's powerful words will bring comfort and lead you to the light.