This supplement is a companion to Introduction to Financial Accounting, by Charles Homgren and Gary Sundem, Fourth Edition (Prentice-Hall, 1990). The supplement contains materials in five general a…
Time brings changes to the field of construction accounting as it does to most other fields. The last few years have produced a number of impor tant changes. Back in 1965 the American Institute of …
This Codification is an integration of currently effective accounting and report ing standards for state and local governments. Material in this Codification is drawn from Statements and Interpreta…
The aim of this book is to provide a general introduction to the various accounting practices followed by companies engaged in oil and gas exploration and production activities in the United Kingdo…
Buku Standar Profesional Akuntan Publik ini berisi kumpulan interpretasi tahun 2002-2006 yaitu pelaporan audit laporan keuangan entitas pemerintahan dan penerima lain bantuan keuangan pemerintah ya…
There are some materials contents are costs concepts and objectives, cost accumulation procedures, planning and control of the elements of cost, budgeting and standard costing, and analysis of cost…
Buku ini berisi latihan-latihan mengenai penghitungan akuntansi keuangan di perusahaan Mountain Western Wear.
This book focuses on the issues in international accounting in today's global business world. The text offers a unique approach: It has a global perspective, is free from Western culture business b…
The 4th edition of Cost Accounting: Principles and Applications is designed for use in intensive, self-contained postsecondary cost accounting courses. This source text provides the practical infor…
This Global Edition has been edited to include enhancements making it more relevant to students outside the United States. Internal controls with the continous emphasis on the requirements of the S…
The aim of this collection of notes and readings is to provide a discussion of the issues and controversies relating to contemporary financial accounting topics, using an institutional, histocal, a…
Buku ini berisi beberapa materi diantaranya yaitu konsepsi auditing, kode ethik dan tanggung jawab Akuntan, pengendalian intern, pemeriksaan intern, persiapan pemeriksaan intern, audit program, ker…
Auditing in a computer environment has become, and will remain, complex. Auditors are increasingly confronted with applications based on the use of computers of all sizes, covering all aspects of a…
This edition of the audit and accounting guide Audits of Property and Liability Insurance Companies has been modified by the AICPA staff to include certain changes necessary due to the issuance of …
This paper has been prepared under the aegis of the Research Committee of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales and it is published by the Research Foundation of the Institute…
Buku ini mengajarkan para mahasiswa proses auditing dalam kerangka kerja audit aktual, dari awal hingga akhir. Buku ini juga menjamin mahasiswa memperoleh informasi terkini karena buku ini menekank…
Pengembangan standar akuntansi keuangan di Indonesia telah dimulai sejak tahun 1973 dengan dibentuknya Panitia Penghimpun Bahan-Bahan dan Struktur daripada GAAP & GAAS. Selanjutnya pada tahun 1974 …
Buku mengenai Akuntansi yang mengkhususkan pembatasannya dalam bidang Perbankan. Pembahasan dalam buku ini dilakukan secara sistematis, jelas dan mudah ditangkap disertai dengan contoh-contohnya.
Lembar Kerja akuntansi terdiri dari jurnal umum, buku besar, buku besar pembantu dan form Laporan keuangan berupa Laporan Laba-Rugi dan Neraca. Jurnal umum merupakan pencatatan awal setelah ada buk…
Buku praktik ini disusun dengan alasan pentingnya aplikasi Akuntansi pada sesuatu perusahaan secara komprehensif. Materi disajikan meliputi pengenalan bukti transaksi, pembuatan jurnal yang selanju…