Buku ini merupakan Laporan Keuangan Pemerintah Pusat (LKPP) Tahun 2009. Laporan keuangan tersebut terdiri dari Laporan Realisasi APBN, Neraca, Laporan Arus Kas, dan Catatan atas Laporan Keuangan.
Buku ini merupakan Laporan Keuangan Pemerintah Pusat (LKPP) Tahun 2008. Laporan keuangan tersebut terdiri dari Laporan Realisasi APBN, Neraca, Laporan Arus Kas, dan Catatan atas Laporan Keuangan.
Buku ini merupakan Laporan Keuangan Pemerintah Pusat (LKPP) Tahun 2007. Laporan keuangan tersebut terdiri dari Laporan Realisasi APBN, Neraca, Laporan Arus Kas, dan Catatan atas Laporan Keuangan.
Buku ini merupakan Laporan Keuangan Pemerintah Pusat (LKPP) Tahun 2006. Laporan keuangan tersebut terdiri dari Laporan Realisasi APBN, Neraca, Laporan Arus Kas, dan Catatan atas Laporan Keuangan.
The third edition of Auditing Concepts and Applications: A Risk Analysis Approach is designed to promote a balance between conceptual and applied aspects of the discipline, in addition to stressing…
This book focuses on bank funds management, an area of increasing importance to the management of commercial banks. Bank funds man agement is the key to short-to-intermediate term decision making i…
Buku ini berisi aplikasi standar akuntansi keuangan di Indonesia yang telah mengadopsi IAS/IFRS berdasarkan komitmen konvergensi Standar Akuntansi Internasional. Misi yang di emban buku ini adalah …
Company Accounting in Australia 5th Edition has been thoroughly updated to reflect the numerous and profound changes in accounting standards. The new edition of this text succinctly documents the r…
Majalah ini berisikan tentang manajemen dan risiko di seputar belanja keuangan dan daerah, dilema pemetaan penyerapan anggaran di daerah dan alternatif solusinya, mencari solusi bagi serapan yang …
Considered the standard reference in the field of bankruptcy accounting, this two-volume set combines accounting, finance, tax and legal issues in an easy-to-understand resource. This updated and e…
This supplement is a companion to Introduction to Financial Accounting, by Charles Homgren and Gary Sundem, Fourth Edition (Prentice-Hall, 1990). The supplement contains materials in five general a…
Time brings changes to the field of construction accounting as it does to most other fields. The last few years have produced a number of impor tant changes. Back in 1965 the American Institute of …
This Codification is an integration of currently effective accounting and report ing standards for state and local governments. Material in this Codification is drawn from Statements and Interpreta…
The aim of this book is to provide a general introduction to the various accounting practices followed by companies engaged in oil and gas exploration and production activities in the United Kingdo…
Buku Standar Profesional Akuntan Publik ini berisi kumpulan interpretasi tahun 2002-2006 yaitu pelaporan audit laporan keuangan entitas pemerintahan dan penerima lain bantuan keuangan pemerintah ya…
There are some materials contents are costs concepts and objectives, cost accumulation procedures, planning and control of the elements of cost, budgeting and standard costing, and analysis of cost…
Buku ini berisi latihan-latihan mengenai penghitungan akuntansi keuangan di perusahaan Mountain Western Wear.
This book focuses on the issues in international accounting in today's global business world. The text offers a unique approach: It has a global perspective, is free from Western culture business b…
The 4th edition of Cost Accounting: Principles and Applications is designed for use in intensive, self-contained postsecondary cost accounting courses. This source text provides the practical infor…
This Global Edition has been edited to include enhancements making it more relevant to students outside the United States. Internal controls with the continous emphasis on the requirements of the S…