This book is a practical guide to EDP auditing. Its functional organization makes it much more than just a valuable reference manual. It was designed as a working tool for experienced internal EDP …
Buku ini berisi panduan suatu jawaban atas temuan dan hasil tinjauan PPAJP terhadap sejumlah Akuntan Publik bahwa masih terdapat banyak kualitas laporan audit maupun proses pelaksanaan audit yang m…
Buku teks Akuntansi Biaya berisi uraian konsep, manfaat dan perekayasaan informasi biaya. Dengan menguasai konsep dan manfaat biaya, kerangka berpikir dan kesadaran biaya yang tinggi dapat terbentu…
Buku ini berisi mengenai akuntansi yang didefinisikan secara umum sebagai sebuah sistem informasi yang memberikan laporan kepada para pengguna atau pihak-pihak yang memiliki kepentingan terhadap ha…
About 30 or 40 years ago there were frequent debates in the accounting literature about the merits of a proprietary' versus an entity' theory. Hill proposes that many accounting controversies ought…
Financial accounting is in a constant state of evolution. Although this book reflects current theory and practice, it also examines the major developments which have taken place in recent years. Th…
Jurnal Akuntansi Pemerintah Vol. 3 No.1 ini membahas advance pricing agreement dalam kaitannya dengan upaya meminimalisasi potential tax risk, transfer pricing regulations in Indonesia, Implementas…
Accounting for Changing Prices focuses on two new accounting systems-one based on constant dollar measurement, and the second based on current cost measurement. These systems of measurement differ …
This Research Study, Financial Reporting for Non-profit Organizations, will be of interest to directors, operating managements and auditors of enterprises formed for social, educational or philanth…
The aim of this book is to present a concise analysis, discussion and illustration of the accounting issues involved in the preparation of financial statements. This includes the consolidation of b…
This important new book is the result of a project undertaken by the Research Committee of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland, and comprises the first major study in the UK on corp…
The book is an introduction to auditing for students who have not had significant experience in auditing. It is intended for either a one-quarter or one semester course at the introductory professi…
Buku Akuntansi Biaya edisi kesembilan ini tetap berfokus pada fungsi kembar manajemen yang berupa perencanaan dan pengendalian dalam konsep dan teknik-teknik modern. Titik penghubung di antara fung…
This Research Report is the first step in an FASB project to reexamine the existing standards for reporting disaggregated information-financial data reported by industry segment, geographic area, a…
Peningkatan pesat kebutuhan masyarakat atas mutu dan jenis jasa profesi akuntan publik menuntut: (1) pengembangan standar pro fesional akuntan publik setara dengan standar yang digunakan oleh profe…
This edition of IFRS: Interpretation and Application of International Financial Reporting Stand ards provides detailed, analytical explanations and illustrations of all current accounting principle…
Sebelum berlakunya Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 8 Tahun 2006, Laporan Pertanggungjawaban dan Laporan Keuangan diungkapkan secara terpisah. Untuk mengimplementasikan performance budgeting, sistem akun…
There is no substitute for examination practice. Here are 116 Questions and Answers on Basic Accounting taken from recent papers of the major accounting bodies with full and detailed model answers-…
Buku ini berisi beberapa bagian materi diantaranya yaitu nilai klaim & nilai rentabilitas, memperdalam perhitungan rata-rata, memperdalam perhitungan rata-rata (I), memperdalam perhitungan rata-rat…
Buku ini berisi 12 Bab diantaranya yaitu Bab I. perhitungan persen dan permil; Bab II. perhitungan bunga uang; Bab III. hasil bunga & pembagi tetap; Bab IV. komisioner & makelar; Bab V. wesel dan a…