This book is suitable for those who wish to acquire the basic skills of bookkeeping and a knowledge of finance. This book also provide over 200 questions. It is hoped these will be useful for teach…
Financial Accounting An Introduction to Desicion Making by Thomas J. Beirne and Henry Dauderis is more than a textbook. It includes a fully integrated teaching/learning system, keyed to Beirne and …
Buku ini menjelaskan tentang Reformasi politik di Indonesia telah mengubah sistem tatanan kehidupan negara. Selain dipenuhi dengan tuntutan untuk menciptakan good government yang bebas dari tindaka…
Buku ini berisi tentang akuntansi biaya yag menyajikan data biaya guna memenuhi tiga keperluan: (1) penentuan harga pokok produk atau jasa, (2) pengendalian biaya, (3) perencanaan dan pengambilan k…
In a book (The Merchant's Mirrour) first published in 1635, Richard Dafforne, an Englishman who had lived for many years in Amsterdam, contrasted the esteem in which the merchants of the Low Countr…
Buku ini menjelaskan perubahan sistem perpajakan dari official assessment menjadi self assessment memberi kepercayaan penuh kepada masyarakat untuk menghitung dan melaporkan pejaknya. Salah satu sy…
Buku ini merupakan pengenalan terhadap audit dan pelayanan verifikasi untuk mahasiswa yang belum mempunyai pengalaman yang signifikan. Fokus tulisan ini adalah pada proses pengambilan keputusan par…
The book is designed to give a logical progression in the coverage of its subject, starting with underlying concepts and philosphies, thence through questions of internal control to transaction aud…
This original study clarifies current issues directly related to auditor independence and investigates the wide scope of available consulting services. Examines the actions taken by various groups …
This book contains 118 mini and more extensive cases. The objective of this book is to encourage students to develop an analytical technique that can be used in solving accounting and business prob…
This book is written for those who have no previous bookkeeping or accounting training and who wish to become familiar with the basic procedures and concepts of acounting. The text first presents a…
The purpose of this book is to provide an integrated approach to public sector accounting. Accounting theory and practice are drawn together for each of the main areas of financial accounting, mana…
This is a special international edition of an established tittle widely used by colleges and universities throughout the world.
Buku ini tediri dari 3 bab, Bab I membahas konsep-konsep dasar perkoperasian di Indonesia, Bab II membahas masalah-masalah akuntansi koperasi dan bab III yang merupakan bab terakhir membahas soal-s…
Edisi Indonesia dari buku ini merupakan upaya untuk mengadaptasi buku asli bukan hanya ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia, tetapi juga sejauh mungkin pada kondisi, situasi, ketentuan hukum dan praktik-prakt…
Buku ini terdapat beberapa Bab, diantaranya yaitu: Bab 1 berisi kilas kinerja, Bab 2 berisi analisis kinerja, Bab 3 berisi profil, dan Bab 4 berisi informasi umum. Buku ini menggunakan 2 Bahasa yai…
Sukuk Negara is Sharia-compliant financial instrument issued by the Government of Indonesia to finance the State Budget, including financing the construction of projects. Since its debut issuance i…
This financial accounting textbook is intended to serve as an introduction to the academic study of accounting. Its primary purpose is to communicate the basic objectives, methodologies, and underl…
This Study Guide is intended to assist you in your first accounting course. You Should it in conjunction with Financial Accounting, by Imdieke and Smith. Studying the text, attending lectures, and …
This new editions are encourages students to develop creative problem-solving skills in a consultative process, prepares students to solve diverse and unstructured problems in unfamiliar settings, …