Buku Laporan Analisis Realisasi APBD Tahun Anggaran 2013 ini dapat bermanfaat bagi semua pihak yang berkepentingan baik di pusat maupun di daerah sebagai bahan masukan dalam pengambilan kebijakan y…
Buku manajemen perubahan edisi 3 ini telah diperkaya dengan materi baru dan secara khusus telah ditambahkan topik bahasan baru tentang implementasi perubahan. Buku manajemen perubahan ini tidak ter…
Buku ini berisi prinsip dan prosedur dalam auditing. Drs. Ruchyat Kosasih menulis buku ini terutama dari karangan Arthur W. Holmes dan Wayne S. Overmyer.
Buku Standar Profesional Akuntan Publik ini merupakan hasil pengembangan berkelanjutan standar profesional akuntan publik yang dimulai sejak tahun 1973. Pada tahap awal perkembangannya, standar ini…
Buku ini dimaksudkan untuk merumuskan suatu criterium atau ukuran tentang bagaimana pemeriksaan akuntan itu seharusnya dilakasanakan; norma-norma ini merupakan pedoman umum untuk para akuntan publi…
This book is a reprint of a paper by Sir Gilbert Garnsey. The text is substantially the same as in the original paper, but some slight additions have been made in order to make its meaning clearer,…
Majalah ini merupakan majalah kesehatan yang dapat dibaca masyarakat dan dokter, yang rubik ilmiahnya dapat dipertanggungjawabkan.
It is not the intention of this book to discuss the history of the balance-sheet, but rather to explain its use in the business world of America today. It is a statement of such tremendous impor ta…
International Accounting Standards were written to harmonise all accounting standards throughout the world, improving the ability of investors, creditors, governments, and others to make informed r…
This book guides the reader through the connections and complexities of reports and accounts, explaining how to assess the financial and trading position of a company from year to year, how to spot…
This is an exploratory study of conceptual issues for financial accounting in nonbusiness organizations. For the purpose of communicating in this study, it was necessary to develop a standard set o…
The Accounting Review is published quarterly by the American Accounting Association--January, April, July, and October.
Buku Akuntansi Suatu Pengantar Edisi 3 ini merupakan buku teks untuk bahan belajar-mengajar di tahun pertama mata kuliah akuntansi di perguruan tinggi. Pembahasan tentang pengertian, penilaian, dan…
This book is a very timely analysis of a major challenge facing nonprofits today--how to properly asses social impacts and the important contributions of volunteers. For organizations with a social…
Buku ini berisi Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia Nomor 71 Tahun 2010
This fully updated eighth edition continues to provide studddents with a clear, well-structured and comprehensive treatment of the subject, combining academic rigour with an engaging and interestin…
In this volume, attention is focused on economic aspects of the of the industry; company organization; general principles of oil and gas accounting; accounting for expenditures incurred in explorat…
The purpose of this Second Edition Book is to consider some of these new and more satisfactory methods as applied to the task of the chief account ing official. This volume, in presenting an integr…
This edition, while introducing a well balanced modular approach, provides data for three major purposes: planning and controlling route operations; non-routine decisions, policy-making and long ra…
The specimen financial statements are new material and are presentedd in the form of two long-form audit reports: one based on a contractor using the percentage of completion method; the other base…