This text provides a through training and thought provoking experience on business ethics. To teach student the critical skill of applying ethical principes in a business settings, this text pulls …
This publication is part of a series produced by the Institute's staff through use of the Institute's National Automated Accounting Research System (NAARS). The purpose of the series is to provide …
This book is provides comprehensive coverage of the independent audit with an effective blending of theory and practice, governmental audiitng and internal audiitng are also discussed and compared …
This approach to the study of the world of accounting is inter-disciplinary, and the text reflects this in its structure and content. For example, the reader is required to know something of the na…
This book contain is cost accounting and analysis are covered in detail, including the nature, concepts,and clasification of cost accounting, product cost accumulation system, external financial st…
This book deals with deceptions of many kinds but mainly of an accounting nature. Deception undermines our faith in people. It makes all a little poorer, not merely the victim.
The book id divided into two parts. In part 1 we deal first with what the writer is trying to achieve, in chapter1; and secondly how he should actually write, to achieve it, which is convered in th…
This, the fourth edition of modern auditing, represents a major revision of a successful book. The extent of the changes can be constrasted to the difference between remodeling the interior of a ho…
The contain in this book covers explains all current autoritative pronouncements, including the recently issued, standards, relevant to the audit proses.
This book discusses project started early in 1972. It is now over five years old. Within a period of time as long as that contributions have been made by many people and much useful help and advice…
The contain book is extensive illustration in each chapter, includes the following additional sections to aid the student in understanding the subject matter with review, glosary, comprehensive sum…
The textbook has undergone a significant reorganization and rewrite in most chapters to enhance clearness and thoroughness of the coverage. The profit performance measurements, intracompany transfe…
This guide to financial statements around the world was first published in 1984, for the use of clients and staff of spicer & Oppenheim international.
This text is directed to undergraduate accounting and business students who have completed a course in financial accounting or the principles of accounting.
This is the third edition of a new series of reviews of financial reporting practice. The work is diveded into two parts. In part I selected contributors analyse current practice on topics in which…
This book is designed to provide a comprehensive analysis of concepts, issues, and techniques in accounting for changing prices.
The book has been written to provide all students with a basis for learning. This has not been done by avoiding difficult topics. Rather, extensive learning aids have been provided. The first exam…
Het bock wordt afgesloten met een casus (NOVO B.V) waarin met behulp van de computer en bockhoudsoftware (in casu FINTRON en FAKTRON van Compu Data B.V.) de boekhouding van een handelsonderneming m…
The theme of the first edition of this book-that cost accounting is a "discipline in transition". Proves to have been well founded. The second edition rests solidly on the first. Cost and manageri…
The book is an introduction to auditing for students who have not bad significant experience in auditing. It is intended for either a one quarter or one-semester course at the undergraduate or grad…