In the second edition of Cost Accounting we again attempt to convey the dynamic nature of cost accounting and the important role accountants play as part of the management team. We are pleased with…
The solution manual is designed to aid the instructor in the organization and preparation of courses in cost accounting. The solution materials for each chapter are placed together in the order pre…
Several months before the preface to the sixth edition of this text was written, representatives of groups concerned with state and local governmen tal accounting standards had begun a series of me…
Valuation professionals have for a long time been appraising business enterprises and their underlying assets. The “dot-com” New Economy has dramatically changed how businesses can do business …
Professional Accounting Practice Management With rising competition in the field, independent accountants as well as accounting firms are finding it harder to survive and make a profit. According t…
Increasing global competition is causing upheaval in every area of industry and commerce. An explosion in the use of advancedtechnologies is continuing to fundamentally revolutionize the waywe go a…
Edisi kesepuluh AKUNTANSI BIAYA: PERENCANAAN DAN PENGENDALIAN tetap berfokus pada fungsi kembar manajemen yang berupa perencanaan dan pengendalian dalam konsep dan teknik-teknik modern. Fungsi Pere…
Edisi keenam buku Auditing ini ditulis sebagai respon perubahan pesat yang terjadi dalam buku Standar Profesional Akuntan Publik per 1 Januari 2001. Buku Auditing ini ditulis untuk memenuhi kebutuh…
BBuku Akuntansi Keuangan Lanjutan di Indonosia mencoba menggabungkan keunggulan buku teks akuntansi yang telah digunakan secara luas di dunia international dengan kebutuhan, standar akuntansi, prak…
This book provides you with practical advice and tips to transform any performance discussion from weekly check - ins to annual review into an opportunity for growth and development.
Buku ini menjelaskan tentang akuntansi di perusahaan atau organisasi di desa
Revenues of hospitals in the state of Washington are constrained by an upper bound that is a function of budgeted costs, budgeted volume, and actual volume. Basically. allowable revenue is the hosp…
This book is designed to explain the principles that make productivity work, and then present the methods for implementing those principles within the audit function. Although many of the examples …