In this paper, we identify the economic contexts in which cash flow from operations (CFO) provides information about future profitability that is incremental to the information provided by current …
Buku ini berisi suatu panduan audit yang memberikan gambaran tentang prosedur minimal yang harus diikuti oleh akuntan publik dalam melaksanakan audit terhadap entitas bisnis kecil agar dapat mengha…
This book discusses the principal recent developments in methods of international accounting.
This integrated set of readings is designed chiefly to supplement an auditing course with materials that are either not included or not covered in depth in auditing textbooks. In this respect, the …
The word accounting most often conjures up images of tedious figures, thick glasses, and headaches. However, the savvy businessperson real izes that accounting has come to be known as the language …
This book is not only recommended for students preparing for examinations of CIMA, ACCA, CIPFA, AAT and degree courses, it will also be of practicular interset to financial practitioners who seek t…
Payroll Accounting for Microcomputers (PAM) is text-workbook and diskette package that introduces students to the processing of payrolls through the use of a microcomputer. It is designed to help s…
This Wiley International Edition is a part of a continuing program of paperbound textbooks especially designed for students and professional people overseas. It is an unabridged reprinting of the o…
With recent incident at WorldCom, enron, Xerox, Tyco, and other companies, auditing has never been so important. Auditing is perhaps our single best defense in ensuring the integrity of our financi…
In the second edition of Cost Accounting we again attempt to convey the dynamic nature of cost accounting and the important role accountants play as part of the management team. We are pleased with…
The solution manual is designed to aid the instructor in the organization and preparation of courses in cost accounting. The solution materials for each chapter are placed together in the order pre…
Several months before the preface to the sixth edition of this text was written, representatives of groups concerned with state and local governmen tal accounting standards had begun a series of me…
Valuation professionals have for a long time been appraising business enterprises and their underlying assets. The “dot-com” New Economy has dramatically changed how businesses can do business …
Professional Accounting Practice Management With rising competition in the field, independent accountants as well as accounting firms are finding it harder to survive and make a profit. According t…
Increasing global competition is causing upheaval in every area of industry and commerce. An explosion in the use of advancedtechnologies is continuing to fundamentally revolutionize the waywe go a…